Kevin Wallace
Kevin was born and raised in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Music has always been a part of his life, but it was his mother who taught him his first guitar chords when he was only eight years old. The guitar was a Sears Silvertone guitar with strings he remembers which seemed as though they were a half inch from touching the neck. She always took him to church where they sang and played gospel music together and she did her best as a single parent to teach him how to live for Jesus. Kevin’s parents were separated for fourteen years before they ever got a divorce and he remembers the occasional weekend visit from his father who would only visit when he had been drinking to the point of intoxication. Still, Kevin loved his father and hoped every day that he would come home for good. Kevin was a good student in school and loved baseball which he played for five years. When he reached high school, he remembers wanting to play baseball and even football. One of his coaches would always approach him saying, “Wallace you really need to be playing”. As much as he wanted to, Kevin had to work to help support himself and his mother. He did seem to find time after work and on the weekends to play his guitar to satisfy his love for music. Kevin has one sibling, his brother Jeff, who is eleven years older than him and was already in a rock band. Jeff would take Kevin with him to clubs and let him do the backup harmony; it was like having an extra member for the band that they didn’t have to pay. Without the presence of a father, Kevin started to stray away when he was 15 and formed a band of his own where he immediately took front and center stage. He started playing in lodges and clubs when he wasn't even of legal age to be allowed in, but that didn't stop them from letting him play. He played in many bands over the years and just about every genre there was from top forty to rock, country or rap he loved to play. He had such versatile vocals that he could sing each well. Of course with the band life came the party life with all the alcohol, drugs and sexual promiscuity. Kevin felt he had paid his dues on the road and at the age of 26 was preparing to make the trek to Nashville to pursue his musical dreams, but it was at that time that God started to intervene in his life. Every road seemed to lead to difficulty, from finances, to personal health issues and finally his mother getting terminal cancer. Like every good son should do, he moved in with his mom to take care of her in her time of need. He thought the least he could do was take her to church on Sunday's. She had never stopped praying for Kevin and believed in her heart that the seed planted would one-day sprout. Every Sunday the Gospel was preached but Kevin would only grip the pew and reject the call to Salvation. Everywhere he went someone was trying to share the Gospel with him and the trials and tribulation continued, but he wouldn't give in because he didn't want to give up his dream of music or the party life that accompanied it. At that time, he was still playing in a Country Rock band called Black Cat Road which was traveling up and down the east coast opening shows for Jerry Jeff Walker, Diamond Rio and Restless Heart. One of the last shows Kevin ever did in the realm of secular music was opening for the late Johnny Paycheck. On June 25th of 1996, Kevin finally surrendered his heart and was led to Christ on a car lot by a salesman who was more concerned with the value of Kevin's eternal soul than selling him a truck. The day was on a Friday and on that following Sunday Kevin took his Mom back to church and this time she saw her prayers answered as her son made a public profession for Christ. Kevin went back that same night and was baptized. He remembers after coming up out of that baptismal that it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of his shoulders. He knew there was nothing magic about that water, but it was the act of obedience to Christ which gave him such a supernatural feeling of cleansing power. He had died to his former life and became alive to do God’s will. Without hesitation, he quit the band and, being led by the Holy Spirit, realized that as the Apostle Paul said, “All he thought was gain he now counted as loss for the privilege of knowing Christ”. The old saying that hind sight is 20/20 truly became real to Kevin as he looked back and saw that all that he had been going through was God’s way of telling him that sometimes you must be broken in order to be made whole. For the last five years Kevin had been dating a girl named Tracy who he loved very much, but had no idea she was destined to be his wife and would bear him four beautiful children. Now, that he had committed his ways to Christ, his whole perspective on life had changed and he knew they were meant to be. Kevin and Tracy were married on that October 5th with his Mother in attendance. Kevin's Mother went home to be with the Lord that same year on December 13th. From that point forward Kevin faithfully served God and the church in every way he could by helping to teach, lead worship and minister with his voice in song. It never really occurred to him to use his instrumental talent for the Lord until some friends approached him about forming a Christian band. So they did and Kevin would once again revive his passion for playing music, but this time in a ministry of music for God. They played where ever they were called in a world that was changing every day and it seemed for the worse, as it was growing darker and further away from Godly moral and ethical values more than Kevin had ever witnessed in his life time. Kevin had written some original music back in his secular days but had never attempted or even given thought to writing a Christian song. It was right after the 2012 presidential election that God gave Kevin a divine inspiration for the melody and a chorus of a song that would come to be in the not so distant future. Kevin would play what he had of the song at practice and the guys would say, “Man you have got to finish that song” and he would always say, “Yeah I know, but I've got four kids and work every day, I just don't have the time”. It was then that Kevin believes in his heart that he actually spoke a Revelation from God when he said, “Wouldn't that be awesome if before the next election I could finish this song and somehow go to Nashville to record it with studio musicians, and have it ready for release before the 2016 elections". On the last week of 2015, Kevin was preparing to sing for a New Year’s Eve celebration at church and had asked his close and personal friend Bruce Allen, singer, song writer and CEO of Jordash Records, to make a guest appearance along by his side. When they got together to go over song material, Bruce asked if Kevin had any original songs that he had been working on, so Kevin played what he had of his one and only Christian song. Bruce loved it and told him he had a session booked in a Nashville Studio at the end of February and if he would finish the song he would take him down to record it. At first, Kevin didn't take him seriously until Bruce texted him the dates that they would be recording on. He recalls a feeling of surrealness but most of all God’s calling to preach his Gospel through music. Just about every night after that for the next 1-1/2 months Kevin would come home and work diligently on finishing what God had started. And so it was with much prayer and meditation that God’s words became Kevin's reality in his first single debut to be released on August 31st 2016, which he believes is just a platform to declare that as Christians, and to Christians in particular, we must stand firmly on GODS WORD ALONE and say we’re not here to debate but to proclaim in love, “God is Never Wrong”.